“Hey, Mom!” Series Part 5
Edited by Marissa Glover
Editor’s Note: Melissa Fenton (creator of 4 Boys Mother) has written countless articles for a very diverse audience of moms. Some of those articles have been published on the website Grown and Flown, where topics cater to parents whose children have grown up and left home. Melissa knows what this feels like, and many of her readers do too. But what are the grown-and-flown children feeling? What’s leaving home been like for them?
Each day this week, we will post an article written by a current college student. These students were recently asked, “If you could tell your mom anything at all, what would you want her to know about you or your life?” These articles are their answers and offer moms a different perspective–a chance to see the world through your college-aged child’s eyes.
Thanks, Mom
by Erica Winn, 21, Junior
College has taught me a lot. One thing I’ve learned is to never take people for granted—especially my mom. I may not say it as often as I should, but just so my mom knows…
I appreciate you.
I appreciate everything you do—not just for me, but for everyone in your life. You’re continually thinking of others and would put anyone before yourself in a heartbeat. I appreciate your constant support. You let me make decisions on my own, trusting that I will make the right one. I know you’ll be proud of me no matter what. I appreciate you for sending me to private school and college. I realize that you just want what’s best for me and for me to be successful in life. I appreciate every single one of our phone calls. No matter what mood I am in, you always make me smile.
I thank you.
Thank you for pushing me throughout my life. During my fourteen years of softball, thank you for arguing with coaches on my behalf. Thank you for the copious pitching lessons. Thank you for all your time driving me to and from practices and games. Thank you for being there for me after my struggles, for teaching me how to keep my head held high and encouraging me to get back out there. Thank you for teaching me to never give up and for being my biggest fan. Thank you for being blunt and not just saying what I wanted to hear. Thank you for being on my side, even when I was wrong.
I apologize.
I apologize for being a brat 95% of the time. I do not mean to take things out on you. It just happens, and I cannot tell you why. Even though I don’t understand it myself, you try to understand because you love me. You give me the benefit of the doubt because you’ve been my age and have seen it all. I apologize for arguing with you over pointless things that do not matter. I know it stresses you out and makes your life harder. Life is too short, and I realize that now. I apologize for calling you ten times a day while you’re in the office busy with work. You invariably tell me not to call during certain times, and I do it anyway. Thank you for picking up the phone.
You are beautiful and I’m proud of you.
Inside and out—you are beautiful. You deserve to hear that every day, and you better believe it. Your style, personality, and soul make you beautiful. You overcome every obstacle life throws at you. It may not be pretty all the time, but you manage it well. I am proud of you for all you worked hard to achieve. I’m proud of you for being intelligent, empathetic, patient, sincere, brave, spirited, humble, compassionate, and, most importantly, yourself. I’m proud to call you my mom. Keep shining.
You are my everything.
Jane Austen once said, “A mother would have been always present. A mother would have been a constant friend; her influence would have been beyond all other.” You have always been there for me, my constant friend. Your compassion and heart never cease to amaze me. You’re not afraid to speak your mind or voice your opinions. I wouldn’t be where I am today without you. Thank you for letting me make my own choices and learn from my mistakes You’ve taught me to stay true to myself, for which I am forever in your debt. You make life look easy, and I am truly blessed to have you as my mother and my very best friend.
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